While many of my classmates are talking about being overwhelmed by the worlkoad we've been given this week already, I am extremely happy to be where I am now. I don't know why, but today, and a little last night, I started thinking about how hard I've worked to get here, and it just didn't matter how hard I've been working these past few days. I am happy. When I set out a few years ago my ultimate goal was to become a physician, which I have not yet achieved. I have, however, gotten over the major stumbling block in most people's road to joining this profession by getting into this school, so it really is, in a sense, downhill from here. Meanwhile, back in the real world:
Yesterday, my dissection technique felt like it was getting better. I was able to expose the subclavian, axillary, and brachial artery and most of its branches without destroying them, which was the theme of day 1 and most of day 2. Today, though, we had to separate the muscles of the arm and anterior forearm, and it was a super slow go. When lab ended we were a little behind on our dissection, and had no time whatsoever to actually learn the names of anything we were exposing. We voted to stay late tomorrow instead of tonight, which works well for me, since Joanna works tomorrow night anyways. I spent a lot of time studying embryology last night, which so far is tougher conceptually than the anatomy (for me at least). And today, I contacted Dr. Roy, a pediatrician in Bellevue with whom I will be spending some afternoons as part of our 'Longitudinal Clinical Experience'. We are going to meet next Thursday to figure out each other's schedules, which is nice, because I will be able to get the first exam out of the way before I actually have to go work in her clinic.
Right now I'm procrastinating, so I'd better get back to work. Today's topic of study: placenta and fetal membranes, and maybe some muscles and nerves of the forearm.
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